We’re close to finding out who will go home tonight on American Idol as the Top 5 are revealed and we move on to the next round of performances and eliminations in the count down to the American Idol finale in April.
Update: Find out who was voted off tonight & how close our predictions came!

Earlier this week we checked out the Top 6’s rankings based on your votes in our poll and now we’re ready for some Idol predictions ahead of tonight’s show. With only one singer leaving tonight and no Judges Save to stop it we should have some tense moments.
The core leaders of the season includes La’Porsha Renae, Trent Harmon, and Dalton Rapattoni with no exceptions again this week. Those three should definitely be safe and moving on deep in to the season, but that leaves us with three more who could all be in danger.
Counting down the ranks from your votes in our poll has Sonika Vaid, MacKenzie Bourg, and Tristan McIntosh in descending order. Now last week our poll had Sonika in third overall, but she ended up being the singer saved by the Judges! Could her position be inflated here by votes that aren’t conveying to official voting? Absolutely.
Since Tristan has been trailing here but avoided the Bottom 3 last week I may give her a pass in these predictions and put both Sonika and MacKenzie in the danger zone. Which of those two will go home? If it were up to the Judges I’d bet they’d agree that Sonika had her second chance, but it’s not up to them this time.
Tough call here, but I’m going to go ahead and predict Sonika Vaid will be voted off American Idol tonight.
Official results revealed tonight on American Idol starting at 8/7c for the two-hour show. What do you think will happen tonight on the American Idol results show?
My choice to leave would be La’Porsha as I doubt she’s marketable. My guess to leave will be MacKensie or Sonika. Mac because he’s too niche and Sonika because she’s too reserved.
voice-wise, la’porsha is fabulous. but then again, so was Candice glover, and where is she now? Dalton is probably going to win, not because of talent, which I think is questionable, but because he’s the pretty boy this season, and the 13 year old girls will put him over the top. as far as pure talent goes, the girls are a million times better vocalists than the boys. but will they look good on the cover of teen music magazines??
I think the boys are more talented than the girls this year. The producers are just pushing for a girl to win.
I’m just so excited to see Adam tonight.
Sonika is more shy then reserved.
People vote for person they like, not for best voice out there. Sonika is the best singer if you look at the presentation, clarity, difficulty of the songs she sang. Sonika all the way.
I think Sonika has a beautiful boice, but she’s too save when it comes to the high notes. She lowers them down to be able to sing them and that make the song lose it power.
I definitely think Sonika is the best singer, the one I’d actually pay to listen to. La Porsha is a good screamer, but was very weak on the soft part of her first song, even went a little flat. Just not someone I would care to hear.
Trent is the best singer of the males. but makes the most god awful faces, like he has to force the notes out. Dalton is cute, but just doesn’t reach me.
I think Mac should go next.
Thank you, I’m just not feeling the over-the-top La Porsha love. She’s all shouting and exaggerated runs. Every single time. It’s so obvious production and the judges are doing everything they can to make sure she wins. They are pushing her narrative like crazy. I think Trent is the only one with a chance to take her out in the final as the producers will not allow her to be eliminated prior to then. He’s really good, and American Idol fans love guitar-playing white boys. My dream final would be Sonika and Trent, but it looks like Sonika doesn’t have the necessary support from America to make it to the end. I do love her voice and her personality a ton. Also, she definitely has the pop star looks going for her.