Dim the lights and here we go! The American Idol 2014 Top 8 will be revealed tonight as your votes are set to be revealed tonight, sending another contestant home.

We’ve made our predictions already and your votes here are showing who you all project to be sent home tonight. Now it’s time for the official results from FOX.
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American Idol 2014 Top 8 Contestants:
- Jena Irene
- Malaya Watson
- Alex Preston
- Jessica Meuse
- Caleb Johnson
- Dexter Roberts
- Sam Woolf
- CJ Harris
We’re putting together this season’s Top 8 contestants as Ryan reveals the results and we find out which singers are in this week’s Bottom 3 and sitting on the feared stools.
Top 9’s Bottom 3 Contestants:
- Sam Woolf – He is safe!
- CJ Harris – He is safe!
- Majesty Rose – She’ll sing for the Save
One of these Bottom 3 singers will get the chance to sing for his or her American Idol life with the return of the Judges Save.
Majesty is going to sing now and see if the Judges Save will keep her in the race. Will they use the Save on Majesty? Let’s see…
No! They are not going to save Majesty. She is sent home from American Idol tonight…
Top 9 – Who Was Eliminated on American Idol Tonight?:
- Majesty Rose
Did your favorite singers survive the vote or were they sent home?
Spoiler alert…..
Ryan Seacrest is boring.
Reality check ……
Ryan is the best host/mc in the business.
Jena & Caleb continue to deliver! The direction of this season’s AI competition appears to have made a pivotal detour in the direction of rock music–which ironically and sadly may well put Jessica among the stronger competitors, since she’s been wrongly compared to the legendary Stevie Nicks. While her rendition of “Rhianon” was ranked among the better performances of the evening, she still lacks the ‘X’ factor that is unmistakably evident in Stevie Nicks. For starters, Stevie has excellent pitch–despite a husky vocal quality–Jessica is still ‘pitchy’ nearly 6 shows into the race. Stevie is soulful as well as edgy, and makes each song her personal own, whereas Jessica sings songs almost note-for-note without stretching beyond her own comfort zone or without risking any artistic license to give it her own spin (except a recent misinterpretation of “Pumped Up Kicks,” which she chose to do as a ‘happy’ tune rather than the edgy, provocative, political statement that’s at the song’s core). Malaya’s choice of the Beatles “Long and Winding Road” was a smart choice. While she sang and interpreted it well, her inability to control her movements during performance come off as theatrical, pretentious, and ultimately distracting. Someone needs to advise her that ‘less is more’ when it comes to performing–especially ballads. Majesty seems the most lost of all the contestants–as if she’s still struggling to find her “wheel-house” (to use a new catch-phrase by the judges). She began so strongly and now seems to be on drifting. CJ is out of tune. AGAIN. His place in the finals should be a source of embarrassment to the judges who voted him in as ‘idol’ caliber. I think it’s safe to say at this stage in the competition, that CJ’s biggest competition on AI is keeping pitch. Alex was chillin’-out on a Gwen Stefani song with a kick-‘A’ live band as back-up on stage with him? Instead of letting loose?… Umm, huh? Sam was boring and so was Dexter. The judges seem bored as well (passing each other giant gummy bears) and even sharing agreeable judgements. It was more exciting to see them argue with one another–at least we knew they were paying attention.
I’m so happy my favorites were safe. Go Jena & Caleb!
On the other hand, I’m not surprised that CJ and Majesty were in the bottom and I expected the other to be either Sam or Dexter. As I said earlier, there was no way that the judges were going to use the save tonight. They still have two weeks to use it and they are going to wait until something crazy happens and a frontrunner (for some reason) finds themselves in danger.
…and the strategy you describe is a smart way for the judges to play their ‘save’ going forward. Given contestants like CJ, Jessica, and Dexter (I’m still hopeful Sam will have his ‘moment’ on stage–but he better get with the ‘program’ fast, because this show’s not gettin’ any longer!) keep managing to dodge the ‘bullet’ that, in my humble opinion, was meant for them in prior lackluster performances.
I go to school with Sam Woolf and hes my absolute favorite. I think Majesty was a good singer and there are others on the show that should have gone home before her.
MAJESTY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1