The American Idol 2014 finale is now just a few short months away and soon we’ll find out which of our Top 10 will hopefully be on their way to fame and fortune! Of course, we love to speculate on who will win American Idol based on how the finalists are doing, and this week, our prediction has changed!

Up until now, Sam Woolf appeared to be the favored competitor among the finalists based on reader’s polls and Las Vegas betting odds. He’s had a strong run so far, no doubt partially due to his mass appeal to tween and teen girl voters.
However, after his less than fabulous performance last week, Sam has fallen to the middle of the pack in the odds. Our readers actually put him only in fifth place for his Top 11 performance, tying with Alex Preston and below MK Nobilette, Caleb Johnson, CJ Harris, Jena Irene, and Malaya Watson.
In the American Idol Las Vegas odds, former favorite fan Sam Woolf isn’t faring much better. His odds have fallen from 3 to 1 all the way to 7 to 1 on Bovada Sports Book. Another betting odds site,, has him doing even worst at just 12 to 1 odds.
So who is the new leader with the best odds to be the finalist who won American Idol 2014? Well, that distinction this week seems to belong to country singer Dexter Roberts. He now seems to have the slightest edge in the odds on both sites we looked at, with Caleb Johnson and Alex Preston running very close behind. None of the ladies were really even close.
However, our readers were not as impressed with Dexter Roberts this past week, ranking him quite low in our Top 11 performances poll. Instead, they preferred Jena Irene Ascuitto, Malaya Watson, and Caleb Johnson as their favorites. Since our reders correctly predicted Ben Briley would be the one who got the boot last week, we have to give our readers props.
Putting together the American Idol odds from Vegas and the results of our reader’s polls the past few weeks, we’ve decided to change our prediction for the most likely winner of season 13. As it stands right now, the person we think has the best chance to be the American Idol 2014 winner is…
Caleb Johnson! Appropriately enough, he also leads our Power Rankings this week as the least likely person to be eliminated next.
Check back next week for the newest American Idol betting odds from Las Vegas and see who our reader’s think ranks the highest after the Top 10 performances.
I’m guessing the final 3 will be Jena, Jessica and Dexter. But that’s not allowing for TPTB manipulations.
My guess at Top 3: Alex, Caleb, and either Sam or Dexter. Sam based on how many fans he has had and a quality voice (although bland personality), and Dexter for using the system of singing the familiar songs, as Harry pointed out that it makes him hard to beat. Caleb would have been one of my choices to go sooner, but he finally sang this past week instead of his fake rocker nonsense, and that voice on Skyfall was actually good. Bottom 3 this week: Majesty, Jena, and Jessica, if she doesn’t put some effort in soon. I like Jessica’s voice, but her personality as shown is not making her likeable as a person. I was surprised she wasn’t in the Bottom 3 this past week, I bet her votes were close to Sam’s total. They both need to light a fire under it, if they want to stay.
Jena will again be in the top 3.
Jena should go home this week or next.
well, you will be wrong.But you are entitled to your opinion.
Anyone who thinks Jena is not good, you are obviously ill. Jena is one of the best this season. Imagine you being on Idol, weather you could sing or not, and someone said the same about you. How would you feel? Stop bashing. Some people’s comments can be hurtful to others.
I hope Malaya gets the boot this week…
I hope it’s Majesty, she barely had more votes than Ben when he was kicked off.
Dexter Roberts
talent-wise it’s either caleb or jena. knowing how the votes go, it’s going to be sam
Malaya jena and caleb and cj For my top four but i like alex too but Jessica ewww she godda go and majesty mk sam wolf they godda go sorry
I like CJ and Alex. Sam does have a good voice, he’s just an inexperienced performer at 17. I don’t enjoy any of Jena’s performances, but I see that others do like her. Jessica’s voice is good, but she is not putting the effort into her performances that she should, and something is really wrong with her sound – her pitch is all over the place, she should try singing with one earbud out and see if that helps her – the band didn’t do her any favors last week, though, they were off. Alex did really well last week, as did Caleb with some showing of his actual vocal quality. I listened back multiple times the performances of Alex, Caleb, and surprisingly – MK.
Sorry you’re bringing the Vegas odds to us on your page. It’s confusing enough trying to see who you’re for and why and why the voters sent two of the best home. At this stage of the game, it’s quite clear that Malaya has grown into the top spot and has what it takes to win it all – unless you want a rock star.
Who we are “for” doesn’t really matter as we’re each just one set of votes out of millions. It’s more valuable to draw from a wider range of information on the singers and where this season could be going. So that’s what we’ve done.
Id like to see mj win the american idol and jessic will be the runner upset
MK should be going home, thought she would last week. Sam could win this if he stepped up his singing, right now boring, but the best looking guy. Jena favorite girl.
MK sang well this past week, that is why she stayed. Up until then, I had thought she was done. She listened, implemented the changes that Harry in particular told her to make, and she sang well except for one early note that didn’t have enough breath support. She and Caleb were the big surprises last week, they both sang better than they have all season.
This contest has nothing to do with looks, Sam being in the bottom three last week should tell you that. Dexter is my WGWG.
Hey @Sunny! Sam is the best looking guy! That doesn’t always gets his votes. But that may be the only time he is in the Bottom 3! I think Sam is going to win this year.
I don’t think Sam has the fan base.
Jena is definitely a top 4.
All of yall suck, niether of u have taste the top 3 will be MK (DUH..) then everyone else
Go do your homework.
Top 2 will be Caleb and gena. Caleb will win because he is a powerhouse and appeals to all the votes who thought Chris Daughtry should have won. A rocker! Gena is next because she is creative, current, appealing and interesting. But it is a boy’s year. I agree Dexter is up there too. Oh and like no one else is good.
MK is a horrible singer. Cant believe she made the top ten. Oh and I forgot Alex is super talented but will he get the votes?
My “personal” pick to win (based on marketability) is Jena. But feel the viewers wanting another “Taylor Hicks” type in Caleb Johnson!
Watch out for Jena Irene…she is dangerous.
Jena is whole package.
Am Idol needs to change the way they pick contestants. The Voice has such better contestants. Am Idol is really poor this year. I don’t think the judges should pick the finalists. They should just be allowed to judge them on the show. Maybe not even that. HaHa!
Caleb, Malaya, Jena and Jessica
Jena is one of the best this season. She had me since her audition. I’ve been a fan since day one, and I will be till the end. Go for it all Jena <3
i thought cj was going to win
I Pick Caleb for the win .top 3 Jess ,Caleb, Jena.