Who got voted off American Idol tonight? Will one of your favorites be the first of the season 13 finalists to go home? The viewers have voted and it’s time to find out which of the finalists will be moving on to the American Idol Top 12 for season 13!

American Idol judges Harry Connick Jr., Keith Urban, and Jennifer Lopez have had their say. Now it’s time for the voters to decide who will move on to the next round. In our Top 13 poll, our readers overwhelmingly chose CJ Harris, Dexter Roberts, and Sam Woolf as their favorites by a large margin. So we would be surprised to see any of those three in danger.
The rest of the singers were pretty much all muddled together, however, so figuring out which singer be the one who went home on American Idol tonight was not an easy prospect. Based on our reader polls and their track record so far, however, we thought it was likely that Ben Briley, Emily Piriz or Jessica Meuse might find themselves at the bottom of the pack this evening.
Here are the American Idol Top 13 finalists up for your votes tonight:
Caleb Johnson, Alex Preston, Emily Piriz, Malaya Watson, Sam Woolf, MK Nobilette, Kristen O’Connor, Ben Briley, CJ Harris, Jena Irene Ascuitto, Jessica Meuse, Majesty Rose York, and Dexter Roberts.
Which finalist will lose out in the first vote of the 2014 finals? Read on for our live American Idol recap of the American Idol Top 12 elimination results show and watch with us!
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The Top 13 contestants opened with a crazy medley of One Republic and Imagine Dragons mashed together. They were worming their way through the Idol set and filming all over the building before coming together on the big stage.
Ryan Seacrest just announced that Yes! there is a Judges’ Save this season. The Save can only be used once and it must be used by the end of the Top 6 round. So there we go.
First up, Ryan calls over Malaya, Jena, Alex, and Ben. Let’s see where they go next. One of these three are in the Bottom 3. It isn’t Ben though. He’s safe! So is Alex and Jena Irene. That means Malaya Watson is in the bottom three. JLo is upset but understands as she thinks last night’s performance wasn’t Malaya’s best.
Now we get a break from results with a performance by Candice Glover, last season’s winner! She’s singing a medley of her songs “Cried” and “Same Kind of Man.”
Back to results. Ryan calls over Dexter, Majesty, Sam, and MK. Running through the votes Ryan reveals Dexter, Majesty, and Sam are all safe. That leaves MK in the Bottom 3. She goes over to join Malaya. Keith says MK needs to work on connecting to the audience better next week if she gets another chance and makes it to the Top 12.
Another break from results brings us a performance by Jack Bugg. This young artist is someone Keith Urban came across and thought was fantastic so they worked it out to get him on the show. Ryan says the judges will be doing this sort of “tastemakers” this season. This is a great idea and Jack Bugg is definitely a unique artist. I think I like him. What about you?
Ryan’s turn again as we’re running thin on time and still have a lot of results to get through. Next up to discover their fate: CJ, Kristen, Caleb, Jessica, and Emily. All are safe except for Kristen, but I think we all knew that was coming.
That means either Malaya, MK, or Kristen will be going home. Time for the official elimination results…
Ryan reveals MK is… safe! Malaya is also safe which means Kristen is going to sing for her life right now. If the Judges are impressed enough they have the option to use their Save, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. It’s just too early for that.
Harry Connick Jr. reveals that the Judges will not use their Save though he wraps it up saying it wasn’t a unanimous decision, which I doubt. I’d say it was unanimous decision to let her go, but that’s okay. Kristen had a great run on the show and did very well to make it this far.
Kristen O’Connor was eliminated from American Idol 2014 tonight.
umm…..I didn’t think Jake Bugg was that good. I think some of the top 13 are better than he is
Malaya killed the group performance. How I wish she also killed it last night.
Jake Bugg sounded like he was singing with a “swimmers” nose clip on!