Dim the lights. Here we go! The American Idol Top 11 are official thanks to your votes as announced by host Ryan Seacrest giving way to the latest elimination on American Idol 2015.

Your votes from this week were collected and it’s time to reveal the results where just eleven of Season 14’s talented singers can move on to the next round and one Hopeful was sent home last night on American Idol.
Top 12’s eliminated contestant:
- Sarina-Joi Crowe – Judges Save was not used
American Idol 2015 Top 11 contestants:
- Adanna Duru
- Clark Beckham
- Daniel Seavey
- Jax
- Joey Cook
- Maddie Walker
- Nick Fradiani
- Qaasim Middleton
- Quentin Alexander
- Rayvon Owen
- Tyanna Jones
Next week the Top 10 will be revealed which means you better get out the vote and support your favorite contestants. You can vote online or by phone to help your favorite American Idol Hopefuls!
What do you think of this week’s outcome? Did America get the votes right? Share your thoughts and tell us what you think should have happened!
I’m so happy that Maddie made it through!!!
Nick clearly is the most talented, he deserves to be there. Daniel is only in for cute points, he hasn’t even hit puberty yet so his voice will clearly be changing. He should come back in a year or two.
See!! This is why I want to stop watching AI !! Anyone with half a brain knows that Sarina is a thousand times better than Daniel Seavey!! He may be musically talented but the dude cannot sing!! Yet these goofy little 10 yr old girls vote for him a the ones with the real talent get cheated out of a great opportunity!! It’s just so wrong!!!
He is VERY talented. You are clueless. He’s my favourite so leave him alone you American brat.
Oh – and I’m in my fifties. You must be tone deaf and up yourself.
I agree with you 100%
Adele’s You Could Have It All was done so poorly I refuse to watch any longer!
That song is called Rolling In The Deep. But, yep, I quite agree with you.
Well, I am now officially done with Idol. From the time Sarina sang just snippets of Grenade I was moved both by the quality of her voice and her emotional connection to the lyric. I’ve been a performer and now work with professional performers. Yes, you have to be able to perform under pressure. But not knowing when you’re going to perform/if you’re going to perform and then having to run up on stage in a tizzy is not a typical professional situation and not a set up designed to get the best from anyone. The format diminishes the shows overall quality and as a viewer I feel robbed that I’m not going to get to hear Sarina sing in the coming weeks while weaker performers continue. If there’s any feedback I’d give her, it would be to continue building a killer instinct. She seemed at times so beside herself grateful to be there that I’m not sure she realized her talent upgraded the show and they were lucky to have her. (Just a smidgen of Jax’ “I know I’m the ish” attitude.) If there was anything that could have helped her get into those last two songs with a better start in rehearsal she should have demanded what was needed. She was great in front of an audience and then all of a sudden she’s not? Her pitch was spot on and then all of a sudden it just goes away? Something’s rotten in Denmark. I think she ultimately would have gotten into a groove and readjusted with proper coaching, but we’ll never know, will we? Happy that the Voice is around, no break-out stars yet but they seem to do a better job recognizing and showing respect for the talent, which makes watching more fun. Have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. There’s a smart bunch on this blog. It’s been fun, (until tonight). Choir Girl, out.
I am relieved Idol is live again and has expanded to two hours. The one hour shows felt rushed and chaotic. However, combining results and performances is not working. The nerves a contestant feels are doubled. They are anticipating a performance and a possible elimination. It shows in the performances.
The coaches on the Voice would have made Daniel wait a couple more years.
The coaches on the voice would say Daniel is ready to go all the way-just like all other contestants!
Nope. They would not. He wouldn’t have made it past the auditions on the Voice.
The contestants on The Voice are more polished vocally.