Video: American Idol 2014 Top 13 elimination leaves Jennifer in tears
Dim the lights. Here we go with the results of who went home tonight on American Idol 2014 as the Top 12 contestants are revealed through this week’s elimination for Season 13.
While we’ve speculated throughout the day on which contestant would be be sent home tonight when America’s voting was revealed, we’re still waiting on the official results.

As far as we know there is no Judges Save available tonight so whoever ends up in the Bottom 3 tonight and eventually comes out last will be sent home without a chance of redemption. That also likely means that singer won’t be part of the summer tour. Ouch. It’d be great if all of these Top 13 singers got to travel the country though so let’s hope for the best.
Update: Ryan just revealed the Judges Save is back this season and is in play starting tonight but expires after the Top 6! But would the Judges risk using their one and only Save this early on?
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American Idol 2014 Top 12 Contestants:
- Ben Briley
- Alex Preston
- Jena Irene
- Dexter Roberts
- Majesty Rose
- Sam Woolf
- CJ Harris
- Caleb Johnson
- Jessica Meuse
- Emily Piriz
- MK Nobilette
- Malaya Watson
Before we get the full set of Top 12 this season the Bottom 3 singers will be revealed. Two of those three will be sent to the safe-zone leaving one contestant behind to sing her swan song and say goodbye.
Top 13’s Bottom 3 Contestants:
Malaya Watson– She’s safe!MK Nobilette– She’s safe!- Kristen O’Connor
Just one of these three singers will be eliminated from Season 13. Or will they? The Judges Save is back this season so Kristen has to sing one more time and see if it’s enough to win over the Judges and keep her in the competition.
So what’s their decision? No, Kristen got voted off American Idol tonight!
Top 13 – Who Was Eliminated on American Idol Tonight?:
- Kristen O’Connor
There we go. It’s official. The Top 12 contestants for this season have been confirmed, but there’s no rest for the weary as we have nearly three months to go and eleven more singers to be eliminated before we find out who will will American Idol 2014!
Did your favorite singers survive or were they sent home?
America got it wrong! Malaya should have gotten canned!!! She’s goofy and seems to think this competition is about using the stage as her personal trampoline. It’s totally distracting and not about music or singing at all. Kristen was supposed to remain for another round of singing. She’s a better singer, a much better musical interpreter of a song’s lyrics and a far better performer than Malaya. I don’t know which is more disappointing, that America won’t get to hear a terrific singer like Kristen again or that America will have to bear another week of goof-ball antics from Malaya!
That’s an opinion. Both are great but Malaya’s better and had an off-night. And she doesn’t do antics.
Kristen is a much better singer! Anyways Malaya is out next!
Nope, Kristen obviously cannot sing to save her life, hence the reason she was not “saved” and Malaya is still there. Kristen only made it that far because men like her mouth!!!!
I’m glad Malaya’s safe. Last night wasn’t her best night, but she will WOW everyone on next week.
Malaya fans vote for her
the only truly outstanding performance was caleb’s. the rest were passable at best, although the performance of “folsom prison blues” was extremely good. this crop does not have any really seasoned performers. they’re all on “the voice”.
Malaya has a good strong voice but she sings like an old woman and dress older… that pants she wore… ugh! an orange colored sack, again ugh!
I don’t understand how MK is on the show. just terrible and boring.
Thank you….Finally someone with some common sense….MK is not in the same class as the others and her perfomance this week sucked….My pick to go all the way is Caleb….
We don’t have any big Candice type vocals this season but Caleb can put on a splash to get two out of three judges standing O’s. Note Harry must be saving his standing O for latter (more significant) performance. Phillip Phiilips was a No O also but sold more than Candy!
What wrong with this season?? Where is Jillian Jensen Austin Wolfe Kenzie Hall Andrina Brogden please tell me ???
my same thoughts! A bunch of borings singers with boring voices and appalling wardrobe.
SNORE! BOORING!!! zzzzzzzz… This seasons picks as the “Top” singers (so called) is turning out to be one of the biggest yawns of this show’s history. I think the chosen finalists reveal more about the judges who selected them than it does about the “talent” of the singers themselves. I found myself missing Simon Cowel!!! Caleb seems to me to be the only one competing for the title. C.J. & Jessica should ask to leave–the weakest performances of the night by far (and that’s not saying very much given nearly all of the performances were so uneventful just about). Except for Caleb and perhaps Majesty (who sang a weak performance as well, but only at the tale end of her unmemorable song), the other 10 contestants appear to be in it as a diary moment.
I don’t like Kristen her lips are weird