Tonight’s American Idol 2015 recap features the continuation and conclusion of the tumultuous Group Round followed by the third and final leg of Hollywood Week with solo performances set to test the Idol Hopeful’s talent under even more pressure.

We’re live blogging all of tonight’s American Idol performances with videos and results throughout the show so stick with us and let’s see how this episode goes! We should pick back up with where things left off with “Sal’s Gals” as Alexis has recovered and is ready to go on and perform with early fan favorite Jax’s Idol life depending on it.
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Sal’s Gals group is up with Train’s “Drive By” featuring Jax, Alexis, Sal, Kelley, and Kaitlin. We can see some struggles for Kelley but Jax takes her moment and shines on stage.
Harry says Alexis proved this round of Hollywood is brutal on the singers. He calls forward Alexis and Jax before announcing they’re going through with the rest heading home. Sal gets a nice send off by the Judges.
Riley Bria, Keri Lynn Roche, Emily Brooke, and Jake Black who are singing “With A Little Help From My Friends” despite Emily’s trouble with food poisoning that nearly left the group without their fourth member.
Harry asks the group if they thought they did a good job then if they thought they’d all be going through. Just like that the four Hopefuls were on to the solos.
Boulevard (BLVD) is the next group up and they reveal themselves to all have been college friends which must make American Idol a small world after all. We’ve got Cody Fry, Rayvon Owen, Piper Jones, and Kelleyann Rogers are singing “Since U Been Gone.”
Harry tells them it was “so smart to sing that song” with how it revealed their melodies. Harry says it was his favorite performance of the day for American Idol 2015. Jennifer says they are all going through.
Back from the break we’ve got Tiffany Stringer leading her group Team Yup when Harry Connick Jr. calls for her to stop and says that while it’s an accomplishment for them to be there and they’re all talented, none of them are going through.
Team Vital Signs is here with “Give Me One More Chance” and they’ve been able to bring things together after a rough patch last night with clashing personalities. Adanna Duru, Cindy Maslov, Denise Natoli, and Camille Peruto deliver a strong performance, but can they all make it?
Keith highlights that this song did not work for all of them in the say way. Jennifer calls forward Cindy and Adanna who are moving on while Denise and Camille are out.
Now we’ve got LKYCO (Please) which stands for Ladies, Keep Your Clothes On (Please). Hmm. Well that’s different, but more important than their name is the singing of “Story Of My Life” from Trevor Douglas, Daniel Seavey, Savion Wright, and Qaasim Middleton. From the smiles at the Judges table it looks like they’ve got this one made.
Savion is sure to explain the team name to the Judges before the verdict is delivered. Jennifer says it was really fun with the beatboxing and choreographing before announcing all four will continue on their American Idol journey.
Team No Sleep has some trouble with its team captain of Hollywood Anderson who has decided he’s in LA to meet women rather than be ready with his group. It’s a disaster in the making as their performance is struggling to come together.
Jumping ahead we’ve got Alexis Gomez with her group and Loren Lott in another team, but it’s Quentin Alexander in his group that really shines. All three are the standouts and they’re off to the solo rounds coming up next.
We’re back around to Team No Sleep and the waters are still looking rough as they perform “Grenade.” Hollywood Anderson is up first with the frustrated Laurel Taylor Taunton, Amber Kelechi, Monica, and Britney.
Jennifer says it was good and there were some really good moments in their performance. Keith says it was not a great, cohesive display of group singing. Harry points out the background singing was not allowing for the lead voice to shine through, but Hollywood and Monica have made it.
Next up we’ve got Kory Wheeler, Lovey James, Jess Lamb, and Carla Davis singing “All About That Bass.” It’s a very smooth and well prepared group number with strong harmonies.
Keith tells them that they’re all very talented but prepares them that if any don’t go through that it doesn’t diminish that fact. He calls forward Kory and Carla who are both eliminated while Lovey James and Jess Lamb move on.
Rocky Peter and his group are up for their turn with the pressure on Rocky who fears going back to the streets if he doesn’t make it through to the next round. He’s singing with Tanya Mackenna and two other members.
Jennifer says they have to go with their gut on who they think can grow in the competition. She calls Tanya up to the front and sends her through with the other three guys, including Rocky, eliminated.
Now we get a montage of emotional eliminations and group conflict with one Hopeful, Heatherle Spires, searching for a way out of group Soul Connection. She’s out of time so Heather will have to go on with Adrianna Simon, Erika David, and Sarina-Joi Crowe for their performance of “Grenade.”
Keith reminds the ladies that the challenge here is to get on stage and work with production to deliver their song. Keith calls Sarina-Joi, Adrianna, and Erika forward to move on. He tells Heatherle she has a beautiful voice, but she’s not going through.
Next group has Mark Andrew, Vanessa Andrea, Katherine Winston, and Alex Shier are performing “With A Little Help From My Friends.” Harry says they’re all talented but only sends Mark, Katherine, and Alex through with Vanessa being eliminated.
Close to wrapping up the night we’ve got Garrett Miles singing “Done” along with three ladies which Idol doesn’t bother to identify (this repeatedly appears to be the equivalent of wearing a red shirt). Keith says Garrett held his own singing with the ladies, but they are all out.
The final group performance of the night comes from the Violet Vixens with a cover of Queen’s “Somebody To Love.” After some struggling earlier in the day for Shannon Berthiaume who arrived late and Joey Cook who couldn’t nail down her lines. Naomi Tatsuoka is feeling like she’s let down her team as their captain and is worried about their performance.
The Judges celebrate their strong performance and Harry applauds Joey’s creative fix to losing her lines during her part. Jennifer congratulates all the singers and sends the entire team through to the final performances of Hollywood with solos.
Can’t wait to find out what happens next? We’ve got your American Idol Top 24 spoilers list revealing which Hollywood Hopefuls survive the upcoming eliminations.
Hollywood Rounds end this week which will bring tough eliminations as many Hopefuls will be turned away just short of viewer voting. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get the latest news then we’ll see you for the next American Idol!
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