The American Idol Top 14 for 2016’s Season 15 have been revealed in two part results from the semi-finalists rounds aired these past two weeks where the semi-finalists were split in to two groups, performed on stage, and then awaited the judges’ results.

With the contestants singing in different teams the eliminations were a different beast. Not all singers truly had to compete against one another but rather just against the eleven other contestants in their assignment. The performances were also held over a week apart leaving us with only half the results for more than ten days.
Here the American Idol Top 14 singers are set to come together though as we now know the singers who will be part of the first viewer voting later in February. The Judges will pick eight of the Top 10 finalists leaving the audience to vote on which of the discarded talent were overlooked and should be part of the final stretch as Wild Cards.
Per the American Idol schedule, the results aired during the February 11, 2016 episode with the second half scheduled for a week later before the Top 10 is announced during the first live show of the season on February 25th.
American Idol 2016 Top 14 Contestants – Part 2:
American Idol 2016 Top 14 Contestants – Part 1:
- Avalon Young
- Gianna Isabella
- Jeneve Rose Mitchell
- La’Porsha Renae
- MacKenzie Bourg
- Sonika Vaid
- Thomas Stringfellow
American Idol 2016 Top 14 Contestants:
Unfortunately not all the great talent from the Top 24 could move on and that means we had to say goodbye to ten of the semi-finalists. These singers were sent home and are out of the competition.
Eliminated singers from the Top 24 – Part 2:
Eliminated singers from the Top 24 – Part 1:
And yes, let’s go ahead and discuss it: Battle of the Sexes. American Idol kept 34 girls and only 17 boys for the Top 51. Now we’ve got 8 girls and 6 boys in the Top 14. Production is so thirsty for a female winner they’ll press right on the end with a stacked deck in their favor.
Don’t forget that production will be hand picking 80% of the finalists this year leaving just 2 spots for the audience to vote in to the final stretch of the race. Good luck, guys.
There you have it, the full results of the Top 14 results as we prepare for their performances to air during the next few weeks of American Idol episodes. Did the Judges make the right choices when it came to sending home nearly half of the talent that had made it this far? Lots of great singers were cut, but it’s hard to avoid that when they should all be talented at this stage of the competition, right?
Share your thoughts below on these semi-finalists and tell us who you plan to support in the coming weeks of voting and Wild Cards.
Jeneve?… no eww replace ha
Jenna Renae was eliminated this week. So I think you mean Jenn Blosil is moving on to the Top 14.
Thank you! I nearly stroked out when I didn’t see Jenn Blosil in the article. She’s my favorite of the girls.
Correct. Error has been fixed. Thanks for catching that.
The Idol Pad was trolled and the eliminated list is wrong. They confirmed this on their twitter page. Will update soon =)
Yikes! They got them (and us, by extension) bad. List has been corrected & updated.
shelbie is the best singer in country for sure she was on the voice and loved her alot
i like the gal laporsha also shes a great singer avalon is great also. dalton the guy i like him out of most of the guys and thomas is good also. shelbie i like her also. not sure who will win but i dont care if one i like dont oh well. there all great and winners who are the best cant wait till we can vote love that time. but the best show ever is the voice. glad american ideol is out now
Laporsha and Dalton are amazing! They’re my faves
Tristen should win. Most marketable as a Country minority. The judges want Laporsha and she perhaps will win. 3rd is Sonika.
I hope they got rid of the girl with the dead poodle on her head. I hate that kind of stylized singing. I have never been a fan of Fantasia and think that she sounds like she has inhaled helium. Their duet sucked. I have no faith in the judges and I am sure that they will screw up again this year and the winner will be dreadful.
I agree about La’Porsha. She’d be an adequate backup singer, but there is no star quality there. Facing facts and relying on the wisdom of the Buggles, “Video killed the radio star”. In today’s music business Aretha Franklin wouldn’t have a career despite her considerable talent. Singers make most of their $$ from concert touring and unattractive singers don’t get far. Also, La’P seems to be a one trick pony, all R&B runs.
How cruel of you to call her unattractive and say “unattractive singers don’t get far.” 1. She is beautiful 2.There are many unattractive singers in the music industry. At “Shes a 1 trick pony, all R&B runs” What do you expect, she’s an R&B singer! Trent only does R&B runs, Olivia only does pop runs, Adele only does R&B runs, and Jessie J only does R&B runs. Please think before speaking hun.
I am still happy with results so far (including the 2nd top 12 spoiler results). My dream top 8 would be:
Avalon Young
La’Porsha Renae
MacKenzie Bourg
Dalton Rapattoni
Jenn Blosil
Olivia Rox
Trent Harmon
Tristan McIntosh
Sonika Vaid and Jeneve Rose Mitchell could get in the mix to complete the top 10.
Jlo is bordering on creepy now with her comments about dalton ?If one of the guys said that about one of the girls they would be considered creepy.
Dalton is the most favorite most of the young teenager voters!
Team Laporsha and Dalton 🙂